


Laguna Isles waterways and conservation areas were not generated by land planners, engineers, or real estate developers. All of the areas where structures are to be placed are on uplands created by nature. All the remaining areas were designated for waterways and conservation. Nature determined how the property would be utilized by humans in concert with sound conservation efforts. Less than 24% of the available landmass for Laguna Isles will ever be used for housing and infrastructure. The balance of 76% will not be built on. That is 107 % more open space than required by current zoning regulation. Not a single variance was requested from any regulatory body and most importantly, not a single structure will be placed on filled wetlands. The waterways, conservation areas, and all of the surrounding State of Texas owned lands and waterways are to be utilized for canoeing, kayaking, fishing, birding, and hiking. These lands and waterways are the natural habitats for hundreds of local and migratory species and its integrity will be preserved in perpetuity.

Dark Sky Concept

Few things in nature are more exciting than the South Texas night sky. Laguna Isles is a supporter of Dark Sky Community. Our goal is not to impose restrictions on our community but rather to take simple steps to enhance our family’s enjoyment of nature.

Evening walks are enhanced by observing the nighttime sky reminding us that we are all a part of a larger universe

Glare from artificial lights can impact wetland habitats that are home to a wide range of species. Excessive artificial lights can disrupt nocturnal activity, interfering with reproduction, and reducing populations.

Smart lighting that directs light where it is needed, and when it is needed creates a balance between safety and starlight.

Simple steps like choosing the appropriate light bulbs for the task and shielding the actual bulb from direct line of eyesight will be welcome.

The natural night sky is our common and universal heritage let’s embrace it.

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